Justin Hedani, Smart Yields co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, was among the experts interviewed in a Hawaii Business magazine feature this month that explored whether companies need to have their own mobile app.
“Every business is going to have different needs when it comes to their app but that’s part of why apps are so awesome to have and hard to build. They can be everything and nothing,” Hedani says in “Too App or Not To App.”
Sometimes a website or web app is sufficient for a business, as opposed to a mobile app. A small mom and pop, for example, doesn’t necessarily need a mobile app, Hedani says, because the shop doesn’t need to engage its customers more than letting them know when something is available or what its hours are. His biggest piece of advice for local companies looking to create an app is to do research, validate claims and make sure they can answer the question: “What do users really need?”
The article also featured several photos of the Smart Yields app in action. Check out the full piece here: