Wissam Ali-Ahmad

Chief Technology Advisor

Wissam Ali-Ahmad is a Lead Solutions Architect for Splunk, the world’s first Data-to-Everything™ Platform built for barrier-free access to data, powerful analytics and automation. Wissam brings twenty years of technical expertise in areas of big data analytics, security, cloud infrastructure and enterprise software. Wissam has been with Splunk since 2014, making significant contributions building strategic Splunk solutions and architectures integrated with partner technologies. Prior to Splunk, Wissam held various engineering leadership roles at AppSense, Infoblox, Qualys, Vernier Networks, PSS Systems and Verizon Labs. Wissam is an avid hiker, home cook and guitar player. While living on Kauai (Hawaii) during the 2020 pandemic, Wissam volunteered his technical skills to assist local non-profit organizations to leverage technology for addressing food sustainability needs of the local community.

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