Farm: Think of this space as the area that holds all of your plots and plants. If you are a comercial grower, you would likely name this your growing facility’s name. If you are a home-grower, you would likely call this your house. If you are an educator, you would call this your school. Each user account has one farm.
Plot: Think of this space as a specific area within your “farm” that holds some or all of your plants. If you have multiple growing rooms or garden beds, you would have multiple “plots”. Plot name examples include: Grow Room A, 5th Grade Garden Bed, etc.
Plant: Think of this as your cohort of plants that you’d like to monitor/track together – just like a testing group! This is a group that you treat the same way (e.g., this group of plants receives the same amount of water, light, nutrients, etc). When you log information about any of the plants within your cohort, this data represents that entire cohort of plants. The plants in a plant group are the same species. Examples could include Garlic Chives, Sunflowers, and Basil.
- IMPORTANT: If you’d like to conduct tests/experiments with plants that are the same species, please separate them into various “testing groups/plants” so that you have properly segmented data. You could differentiate them by calling them slightly different group names, such as: Garlic Chives 1a, Garlic Chives 1b, etc.